Click on any of the indicators on the map below. Each of the indicators shows where you can get involved in trials at your local hospital. Often these can be a great way to get free intervention and free therapy.. and getting involved will certainly stoke your desire to retrain yourself! You can also play a great part in helping to prevent other people having strokes or help to limiting its effects by your participation. Have a look. There is so much exciting innovation out there - and the clinicians want to share it with you.
Use the interactive map below to find out which studies are open at your local hospital. The embedded links will take you websites with more information about these studies. If you would like to view this in a larger pleases follow this link :Larger Map
The Thames Stroke Research Network is part of the Stroke Research Network, which is one of the topic specific networks within the UKCRN established by the Department of Health and aims to improve the speed, quality, and integration of research, ultimately resulting in improved patient care. The aim of this network is to provide structures and support to local clinicians to get involved in recruiting patients to high quality multicentre trials.